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Grants deadline extended - Eastleigh Borough businesses urged to apply

Scene Media

Business rate payers in Eastleigh Borough are being urged to apply for the Business Rates Grant if they are eligible and have not yet received any financial support during the coronavirus pandemic, as the government extends the deadline to 28 August.

The government announced the extension earlier this week and the Economy team at Eastleigh Borough Council are keen to ensure all the available funds are distributed to businesses in need of the support.

During the coronavirus pandemic Eastleigh Borough Council has already paid out over £17.5 million to 1,553 businesses across the Borough through the Business Rates Grants as well as other government funded schemes including the discretionary grant.

A total of £16,570,000 has been paid through the Business Rates Grant to 1,255 companies and a total of £968,500 was paid to 298 businesses through the Discretionary Grants scheme.

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Economy Councillor Derek Pretty said: “We’re so glad that we have been given the green light to distribute the remaining funds from the government to continue supporting businesses in our Borough. Our team has worked extremely hard over the last few months to ensure that all applications were processed and the vital funds were given to the businesses in need. We have received some excellent feedback from many companies that have been given a lifeline by the grants.”

To be eligible businesses must pay Non-domestic Rates, have a rateable value below £51,000 and be in the qualifying sector. Businesses can complete an online form here to find out if they are entitled to receive the grants or contact

The Economy Team will process the applications for these grants and let business owners know if they have been successful. 

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