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The saga of the Cemex planning application for a quarry in Hamble village is continuing.

In August, Cemex were asked to respond to a series of questions raised in the earlier consultation rounds. The deadline of mid-September has passed, and although the County Council has stated that Cemex has responded to this request, nothing has yet been published.

When the next set of papers from Cemex are eventually published they will be analysed and residents in Hamble, in neighbouring villages and those affected by the increase in traffic on Hamble Lane, the air quality and all the other concerns, will be given 30 days and asked to respond. You can keep up to date on the website here:

Meanwhile, activity continues on the airfield. A company specialising in searches for ordnance and explosives, left over from when the site was an airfield – although this should have been undertaken before the application was made – have been seen scanning the land.

We saw in August, when Southern Water decided to do work near the Hound Road roundabout, on how much of a knife edge the Hamble road system balances to keep traffic flowing and to function. Traffic has increased since Covid, but the Highways assessments are not current.  Hamble Lane is the jugular to the Peninsula and the threat of increasing the potential for these kind of 8-10 hour hold ups will be devastating to those living, working and going to school there.

The County Council are managing the process, and they will make the final decision - this date is still unknown. To date over 3000 objections have been sent to Hampshire county council. Local groups, such as Hamble Peninsular Residents Group and Hamble Parish Council are working together with Eastleigh Borough Council and the local MP Paul Holmes, to continue making representations with regards to ongoing and newly raised issues, plus highlight further concerns in the process. This is to continue to fight but also to ensure Hamble is ready for any decision that is made and to follow up all possible legal routes.

Over the summer, HPRG has been approached by a couple of county councillors who have made the trip down to see the village for themselves. We continue to inform councillors on the progress but ultimately they will make the final decision.

On another note, The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Review is rearing its head again and the amendments from the consultation last October will soon be presented for us to consult on again. No doubt the timing will be impeccable and both the Cemex Consultation and the Minerals and Waste Plan Review consultation for sure will coincide again to add to further confusion!!

Local residents are urged to look out for updates on Facebook pages - Hamble Against Development and Hamble Neighbours. Information on the responses required will be provided at that time.

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