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  • Scene Media

Hamble Lane Improvements Update

Hampshire County Council (HCC) wants to improve the A3025/B3397 Hamble Lane focusing on the northern section between Windhover Roundabout and the Pound Road junction, but also looking at complimentary measures on the wider network and further south on Hamble Lane.

HCC is also reviewing opportunities to reduce traffic on the Lane by looking at ways to improve people’s travel choices across the Hamble Peninsula.

Following the public consultation which ended in January this year, HCC officers have evaluated all the feedback received and used this alongside transport modelling work to design a preferred scheme.

HCC is inviting residents’ and stakeholders’ views on a preferred improvement scheme and public information events are being held on:

12 Sept 2pm to 7.30pm Abbey Hall, Netley

25 Sept 1.30pm to 7.30pm, Hamble Memorial Hall

1 October 1.30pm to 7.30pm, Pilands Wood Centre

We have obviously missed the first of these but hopefully we are in time for you to attend one of the two later events. The survey will close on Sunday 14 October 2018.

Further details can be found on the web page HCC can be contacted about this on email at, or tel: 0300 555 1388

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