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Supermarine Factory Raids Remembered

Scene Media

On September 24 & 26 September 1940, the German Luftwaffe made bombing raids on the Supermarine factory in Woolston. A large number of employees were killed and severely injured and production of the iconic Spitfire was stopped as the factory was in ruins. In remarkably short time, the production of the aircraft re-started by locating assembly sections in various places in Southampton & the local area.

On the original Supermarine site there is a memorial plaque to those who died during those terrible days and on Battle of Britain Day, Saturday September 15 2018 at 2pm a service of remembrance and re-dedication will be held at Spitfire Court, Mitchell Close, Woolston. The Mayor of Southampton and Woolston councillors are attending for what it is hoped, will be a memorable event.

It is planned to also remember RJ Mitchell, the designer of the Spitfire. Members of the public are cordially invited to join us. You are invited to lay floral tributes at the end of the service.

Photo: © Solent Sky Museum

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