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Woolston Community Centre Needs You

Woolston Community Association (WCA) is a registered charity (No 302000) and was founded way back in the mists of time to benefit the local community. It is run entirely by volunteers from the local area with no paid staff. The most important thing that WCA does is to administrate Woolston Community Centre, which is held on a long lease from Southampton City Council.

The centre doesn’t receive any external funding and relies entirely on the income from hirers using our extensive facilities and of necessity it is a very busy place!

The centre is directly opposite St. Mark’s Church at the junction of Weston Grove Road and Church Road, and hosts a wide range of daytime and evening activities and is an ideal venue for those special parties or occasions. We also have a separate annexe which is home to one of the top rated pre-schools in the city.

WCA really needs more people to take an interest in keeping the centre up to scratch and in good financial shape for future generations. There are several ways you can make a difference :

• Become a Managing Trustee and join the General Committee of the Association (no personal liability is involved). Meets four times a year, monitors and advises on the business of the Association.

• Join the Centre Committee. Meet once a month. Look after the day to day management and maintenance of the centre. Help put on and publicise in-house events, such as the Christmas Dance and Quiz Night.

• Not a committee fan? How about contributing a skill e.g. computing, odd jobs, gardening; anything that helps to keep the centre ticking over.

• Be a keyholder. Opening and closing the centre plus meet and greet hirers when necessary. Covering just one evening a week would be a great help.

• Just become a member of the Association and pay the small subscription.

If you would like to know more, you can visit or phone Barry Wake, (Chair WCC Management Committee) on 023 8043 2216.If you just wish to make a booking you can make an application online or phone Ann Lowe on 023 8043 2728.

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