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Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Mary Ann Evans

There wasn’t a black leather chair, there weren’t any beloved teddy mascots and best of all, there weren’t any angry, “Oh, come on!” reproaches from the question master but nevertheless tension was high as six or so teams battled it out on Thursday 11 February at The GAF Centre Bursledon.

Jan Derbyshire as quiz master and Sue Osmond as score keeper kept us on our mental toes (?) with a wide range of questions from football to fashion and back again. No cheating was observed although asking the teams to mark each other’s work was pushing it a bit. Nevertheless, the Old Gaffers were the clear winners and modesty forbids that I should disclose the members of that team……….other finalists being The Half Wits…………………

Fish and chips served by Tricia Garrett provided welcome sustenance for the inner man or woman and Tony and Jeremy on the bar made sure all went down smoothly while Margaret took any spare cash we had for the raffle.

Although modelled on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the winning team’s box of mint chocs was taken as a kind symbol of real dosh and generously distributed amongst all players.

Thanks to Diana Sneezum for promoting this intellectual initiative and to Sue for photographic evidence.

This event could run and run!

p.s. Pickled onions from John Davis, the latest brain food. You heard it first from GAF.

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