The County Council is asking residents their views on how the role of local communities could be strengthened in the local decision making process for determining planning applications for minerals and waste, and County Council developments in Hampshire. Councillor Humby, Executive Member for Environment and Transport at Hampshire County Council, said: “We want to ensure local communities make their views known on County Council planning decisions, and so very much want to hear local views through this consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). We are committed to encouraging participation from all sections of the community, and want to make it easier for everyone to be involved in county planning decisions in their local area.” The SCI sets out how Hampshire County Council involves the local community in preparing and reviewing the minerals and waste planning policy documents, and County Council decision making on planning applications for minerals, waste and County Council developments. Since the SCI was first consulted on and agreed in 2014, new national planning practice guidance has been introduced, requiring the Authority to update its statement, and the County Council is now consulting residents on these revisions. The public consultation will run until Monday 19 December, and is available online at: The revisions also reflect recent changes in procedures as well as experiences gained from the preparation of the Hampshire Minerals & Waste Plan. The SCI forms the basis of the County Council’s procedures for community engagement in preparing minerals and waste planning policy, and in determining planning applications for minerals, waste and County Council developments.
- Scene Media