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The Mercury Library & Community Hub re-opens

Scene Media

The Mercury Hub will open on Tuesdays & Saturdays 10am to 2pm from 8th December onwards or until we have to close again.

The library has over 1,500 books to borrow, a book exchange, four public access computers, a copier/printer and comfy seats. Unfortunately due to current restrictions we can't offer you tea or coffee but feel free to bring your own. There is always someone to chat to if that's what you would like.

The Citizens Advice Bureau will hold their first drop in session on Wednesday 16th December at 10am.

The Hub is a friendly, welcoming place, solely run by a dedicated band of lovely volunteers. It has become a valued part of the community in Hamble and everyone is welcome to come along and say hello - we would love to see you!

For more information, have a look on our website.

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