Well the journey started quite a while ago writing my book “The Adventures of Traveller Tim” and getting it published on Amazon back in 2013. At the time we were living in Weardale, County Durham and seeing the old horse drawn caravans heading to Appleby Fair each year. This set an idea that maybe one day I would like to build a caravan and late last year, my wife Carol said “Why don’t you do it?”
Well a few weeks later a trailer was delivered and with no plans or drawings, (just some photos) it all started. Building one half size brought it’s own problems, many a night scratching heads over a rum and coke.

Making up the base and framework along with the carving of the timbers, the caravan started to take shape. Sourcing the planking took a while and had to be a special order. After knotting and priming was dry, all the timber was secured to the sides and roof. With doors made and fitted the painting commenced. Five coats later the final mouldings were put in place, then the different colours were added. With the roof now watertight, the front and side panels were fitted. Unfortunately the wheels had to be removed to release it from the workshop!
The final touches were made inside with fabric and cabinets and after 404 hours of work it is now ready to show and is up for sale.
Ready to get the next project underway!
Roy Young