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Helping young people plan for their futures post Covid-19

Scene Media

Young people heading towards school leaving age and those due to move on to college or training in September are still able obtain information and advice from Hampshire County Council careers specialists – Hampshire Futures.

Councillor Roz Chadd, Executive Member for Education and Skills at the County Council, said: “We appreciate that, at the moment, there is a great degree of uncertainty about when we will be out of lockdown and return to some sort of normality. However, it doesn’t mean young people should not be planning their futures and taking all reasonable steps to ensure they are making the right choices for them. I’d like to reassure them, and their families, that we are here and available to help.”

Hampshire Futures has developed a wide range of new online careers information on its ‘Your Future’ website, including details of sixth form and college careers contacts and the arrangements being made for virtual interviews and open events. The website is being updated regularly with online resources, frequently asked questions and careers related videos and quizzes. The varied content is aimed at young people, parents/carers and professionals and will support decision making and career planning; and help address any uncertainty young people may have about their next steps.

Throughout the Covid-19 response, Hampshire Futures’ Careers and Participation Teams have continued to work with schools and maintain support for Year 11 students moving on to further education or training after the summer, to ensure their transition from secondary education will be successful. This includes working with colleagues in social care and special educational needs teams to make sure that the most vulnerable students have the help they need, and arrangements for additional support are made to help them have the best start to their post-16 education.

Students can also arrange a face to face careers guidance appointment with a member of Hampshire Futures, which can be conducted virtually. Any young person in Year 11 who would like to take up this opportunity should contact their school’s Careers Adviser or email

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