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Bus Pass Restrictions Removed in Hampshire

Scene Media

One way Hampshire County Council is supporting older residents during the Coronavirus outbreak is by removing the restriction on using free bus passes before 9:30am. From Friday 20 March 2020, the start time restrictions will be lifted so people can use their bus pass at any time.

Councillor Rob Humby, Deputy Leader of Hampshire County Council and Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment, said: “We understand these are difficult times for people and we are doing everything we can to help those who need it most. I hope that extending the times people can use their free bus passes may go some way in helping them make the most of dedicated early morning shopping hours for the elderly and vulnerable many supermarkets have now put in place.”

Hampshire County Council’s Director of Public Health, Simon Bryant, said: “I know people have particular concerns at this time for the elderly and those with long term health conditions.  

“I would urge everyone to increase and enhance the same precautions they would take to keep themselves safe and well during flu season, with an emphasis on following the hygiene advice – particularly hand washing often and for 20 seconds.  We can also help the elderly and vulnerable in our families and communities to be prepared by making sure they have supplies of their usual medication and day-to-day items.”

The Government’s social distancing guidelines for people over 70 are can be found online and information on handwashing can be found via the NHS web pages.

For the latest information and advice on Coronavirus visit the County Council’s dedicated web pages.

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