"Having lived in Bursledon since September 1976 and retiring April 2000, like many other residents I have seen many changes. Shortly after my retirement, one dark evening the doorbell rang and I saw a very smartly dressed young woman. She informed me that she was from the local council. She had been given the task of forming a group of people who would be prepared to volunteer to give time to help others in Bursledon. Tasks would entail taking people to hospital, going to the doctor’s, help with shopping and many tasks they found difficult.
Then being fit and healthy, I saw no reason not to help out. After a month or so I was told that about eight local residents had volunteered. A meeting was held at St. Leonard’s Church and we discussed the name of the group - Bursledon Good Neighbours.
Bursledon Good Neighbours has been operating for about twenty years. How many tasks have been undertaken, I dare not try to guess but obviously a lot. The help and effort given by the dedicated few has been more than appreciated by so many. I am sure they would all wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the help, time and effort that has been provided by Bursledon Good Neighbours."
(This gentleman is no longer sufficiently fit to be a volunteer. The current volunteers are so pleased to be able to repay his past kindness by helping him when needed.)
“In July 2018, I developed double vision in my left eye and was unable to drive. I needed to attend the Eye Clinic at Southampton General Hospital for the following six months and later other medical clinics in Winchester and Eastleigh throughout 2019. The appointments always seemed to be early, involving rush-hour travel. I mentioned my problem to a Co-ordinator of Bursledon Good Neighbours who said she could arrange for a volunteer driver to pick me up, take me to the hospital, wait for me until I was ready to leave and then bring me home. Words cannot fully express my appreciation of Good Neighbours: the three co-ordinators who organise the service are efficient and responsive; the drivers are friendly, kind and thoughtful; the journeys are very pleasant. All the stress of a hospital visit seems to disappear.
The Good Neighbours Handyman has transformed my life by fixing many small things that needed attention: window locks, door hinges, curtain hooks etc. He checked my fuses when I had a power cut and contacted my energy supplier to report it. We are fortunate that all of our parishes on the Hamble peninsula have Good Neighbour groups.”
Can you provide a helping hand? We are always in need of volunteers - could you spare the time to be a volunteer driver or maybe a co-ordinator? Contact Bursledon Good Neighbours on 0845 6447506 if you would like to find out more.