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Scene Media

Hamble Players Murder Mystery Evenings

Murder Mystery Evenings - 27 & 28 September

These evenings have been very popular in the past and a good fun evening out with supper and a bar thrown in for good measure! £12.00 per person. Bookings are available from August 1st – Hamble Players/Ticket Source. There are a limited number of tickets for this event as the Hall is set out Cabaret Style so BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment! Enquiries – Box Office-023 8044 0660

Sleeping Beauty - The Pantomime

Plans for the December pantomime are underway. Scenery, costumes, sound and songs are coming together and we have held our main auditions, but there is room for any interested parties. If you wish to be in the chorus and/or help with the technical side just give us a call.

Rehearsals start in September on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm and Sunday mornings for dance and song routines. The cast of this production are mainly 18+ but younger people may be needed to fill specific roles. Set building commences at the beginning of November.

Bookings open 1 October, last year was sold out in a week! Booking details as above. Contact Sheila Barker (Director of Sleeping Beauty) for info 023 8045 3718.

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