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  • Scene Media

Hamble Emergency Services Raft Race 2019

On January 1st 2019, four emergency services will take part in the 4th annual Raft Race on the Hamble River. Teams from Hamble Lifeboat, Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service, Hampshire Police and South Central Ambulance Service will compete in identical rafts in a race to and from the slipway in front of the Hamble Lifeboat Station.

The event is the brain child of Paul Ackland, Coxswain at Hamble Lifeboat. He said, “Given the fact that we are an independent lifeboat, we wanted to create some awareness locally that we are here and have been for 50 years. I noticed that the rafts which used to be used for the Soap Box Derby during Hamble Week were sat outside the workshop of Casse Tete Marine. I then started to chat with the local fire crew about a race and the idea was born!”

Jim Webb of Casse Tete and son Mikey Webb of Grapefruit Graphics have kindly donated their time, effort and money into making the rafts sea worthy and have also shrink wrapped them as a Lifeboat, Fire Engine, Police Boat and Ambulance. “The rafts look great and if the turnout is anything like last year it will be a great morning along with the Fire Engine, Coastguard Helicopter Rescue 175 and Hampshire Search and Rescue Volunteers”.

The race will begin around 11.30am on New Years Day and the winner will receive the Roger Harding Memorial Trophy. Captain Harding was the Chairman of Hamble Lifeboat for 20 years and sadly passed away earlier in 2016 – his wife Alex, kindly donated the trophy.

For further information about the event please contact

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