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  • Scene Media

New Lift Platform Opens at the GAF

On 5th August 2018 the Greyladyes Arts Foundation’s new lift platform for those with disabilities was officially opened by the Mayor and Mayoress of Eastleigh and Dave Moyes and Jess Wood (GAF’s first Chair) rode the lift down to enter the GAF Centre.

Jeff Martin (present Chair of GAF) warmly welcomed and thanked the Mayor and all those who had helped raise the money and installed the lift. These included the National Lottery Fund, Tescos, OneStop, generous donors including Diana Sneezum and Tom Wade-West, the installation and maintenance teams (led by Robert Carter) and the project manager Paul Shepherd.

Sue Osmond organised the official opening which included a delicious tea (thanks to Polly and Sandra). All this with sunny weather and a good speech by the Mayor made it a great and significant day for GAF in extending our access to the disabled.

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