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Scene Media

A Plea from 1st Bitterne Park Guides

What do you call a young lady who is confident, independent, self-assured, motivated, fun-loving, active, team player but who can stand alone? Well the answer is easy a Girl Guide! If you want to be part of a voluntary organisation that helps 10-16 years old to become all of the above then Guiding is for you.

I am the fortunate lady to be the leader and since taking over the unit 18 months ago we have gone from 8 to 27 girls! Amazing I hear you say. Well, yes it is! But to carry on we desperately need more ladies to come and help us! Any one with free time on a Monday evening who can commit to making a difference to young lives would be very welcome. No previous guiding experience required.

Usually we are hall based but we also go bowling, kayaking, camping, and go to roller/pool discos, music concerts to name but a few things.

Feel up to your own challenge? Then contact me at Delga - Guider in charge

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