There are many local businesses still open during social distancing. Some are providing a full service, some are operating on a reduced/emergencies only service whilst others are available to give advice over the phone.
Below is a list of those who advertise regularly in The Scene magazines and who asked to be included on this list.
We will update the list weekly so if you have a local business that are still open in some form and would like to be included in this list, please email us direct or use the Contact Us tab on the website.
Check out our new Business Directory - click on the link above.
Please phone all listed businesses before attempting to visit.
Accountably Limited, 023 8045 3907, accountably.co.uk
Baby/Toddler Groups
Jiggy Wrigglers, 07833 292879, jiggywrigglers.com
(Free online sessions on YouTube channel: Jiggy Wrigglers)
Chambers of Hamble, 023 8045 4260
(Open as normal)
Cars - Service/Repair/MOTs
Netley Garage, 023 8045 3233, netley-garage.co.uk
(Open for normal business with limited staff)
Caravan Storage
Sunnydale Farm Caravan Park, 07883 058823, sunnydalefarm.co.uk
(Caravan storage enquiries only)
Care Homes
Netley Court Care Home, 023 8045 0320, cinnamoncc.com/netley
Premlex, 023 8000 0616, premlex.co.uk
(Available for emergencies only)
Estate Agents
Chambers Estate Agents, 023 8001 0440, chambersestateagency.com
(Offices closed but available for enquiries)
Esoteric Estates, 028 8098 1777, esotericestates.co.uk
(Offices closed but available for enquiries)
Hamble Estate Agency, 023 8045 5055, hambleestateagency.com
(Offices closed but available for enquiries)
Garage Doors
ADOR Garage Doors, 07793 113306, adorgaragedoors.co.uk
(Available for emergencies only)
Gardening Services
Larkmeadow Gardening, 07856 515190
(Open as normal)
Lock It Security, 07887 407319, lockitsecurity.co.uk
(Operating as normal where possible)
Osteopathy/Massage/Pain Relief
The Netley Wellness Clinic, 07954 950855, thenetleywellnessclinic.co.uk
(Free advice on any physical/pain related issues by phone)
Painting & Decorating
P&L Decorating, 07517 976198
(Operating as normal with distancing measures)
Plumbing & Heating
Gair Gas, 023 8036 3838, gairgas.co.uk
(Available for emergencies only)
MJM Plumbing & Heating, 023 8056 2504, mjmplumbing.co.uk
(Operating as normal where possible)
Property Maintenance
Homeworks, 07884 467523, homeworkscompany.co.uk
(Limited service)
R&M Property Maintenance, 07757 808290 (Operating as normal where possible)
Sail Repairs
Hamble Sail Repairs, 07485 140168, hamblesailrepairs.co.uk
(Open as normal)
Cubic Storage, 023 8225 0022, cubic-storage.com
(Open as normal)