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Scene Media


Sing4Fun is a sociable and fun choir for Netley Abbey and the surrounding areas that meets every Friday evening during school term time. The choir started in May 2019 and has sung at various events including The Pumpkin Festival, Light Up Netley, St Edwards Christmas Fayre and local Care Homes. They sing a mixture of pop, gospel, jazz, songs from shows and anything else that people enjoy singing and listening to!

Sing4Fun is all about getting a community of people singing. Anyone can join regardless of age and no previous experience of singing in a choir or reading music is necessary. As their name suggests the aim is to make singing fun for those in the choir and for those who hear us and their Music Director, Chris Allison rehearses the choir in a way that does this.

This is what a few current members have said about the choir.

“It is called Sing4Fun and that is exactly what it is. Whether you can sing or not you are made to feel part of the choir. Lots of friendly people and lots of fun.”

“In Sing4Fun anyone of any ability can come and sing. There are no auditions, just come along to sing and enjoy”

“Men and women of all ages and abilities are able to Sing4Fun and our Musical Director chooses songs that appeal to all and make us sound as if we have been rehearsing them for weeks!”

If you are interested in joining please call 07779 532454. Or just turn up on a Friday evening at St. Edwards Church Hall, Netley Abbey. Doors open at 6.30pm, warm up and singing from 6.50pm - 8pm. The cost is £3 per session. No auditions necessary!

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