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Council submits its Local Plan

The Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016 – 2036 has been submitted to the Secretary of State for formal Examination on Wednesday 31 October 2018.

It was submitted along with all the supporting evidence and representations that we received in response to our consultation on the Local Plan from the end of June to early August this year. The Inspector conducting the examination will consider the soundness of the Local Plan along with all the representations.

We now await the appointment of the inspector and advice of the Planning Inspectorate on the programme for the examination process. The next stage is for the Inspector to review our plan submission and representations and the public hearings could begin as early as spring 2019.

The Local Plan sets out the Council’s policies on how land throughout the borough can be used until 2036 and will provide the basis for future planning decisions.

Council Leader Keith House said, “Taking the Local Plan forward helps ensure we get the right homes in the right places, deliver the infrastructure of roads, schools and facilities our communities need and protects vital green countryside and woodland gaps between our villages and towns.”

The Council has now also appointed an independent Local Plan Programme Officer, Louise St John Howe, who will help the Inspector with the examination process. For further information contact her on 07789 486419 or email

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